Femmes du Chaos
From heroes to villains, Femmes du Chaos sets out to show the world what the fairer sex is really made of. You'll meet women of all ages and from many different walks of life... Warriors and schoolgirls, side-by-side in one place. One thing connects them all, and that is their ambition. Whether they use their ambition for good or evil, well that's for them to decide. Gritty, fantastical and sometimes uncomfortable to read, Femmes du Chaos is a tour de force that holds nothing back. There will be violence and there will be blood. Some will survive and come out stronger in the end... And some will let the darkness consume them. After all, no two girls are ever alike.
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Horrors of History: An Anthology from Fey Publishing
The history of mankind has been dark, violent and oftentimes bloody.
Horrors of History: An Anthology from Fey Publishing
The history of mankind has been dark, violent and oftentimes bloody.
Have you ever wondered what really happened in Roanoke or whether Vlad the Impaler was actually a
vampire? Within these pages, you will discover a world where mermaids meet up with Jack the Ripper and the undead fight in the Civil War. You'll explore history from horrific medieval diseases to present day disasters. This is the history of the world like you’ve never seen it before.
Horrors of History is a collection of tales brought to you by both established and up-and-coming writers alike. Each story has a unique vision and voice, combining to bring you a creepy collection that will scare you like the Black Death terrifies a Medici. Gracing these pages are mermaids, demons, witches and sometimes just good old-fashioned humans doing evil things. Be prepared for anything and everything. You will never know what to expect with each turn of the page.
History just got a whole lot darker
Available on AMAZON

Horrors of History is a collection of tales brought to you by both established and up-and-coming writers alike. Each story has a unique vision and voice, combining to bring you a creepy collection that will scare you like the Black Death terrifies a Medici. Gracing these pages are mermaids, demons, witches and sometimes just good old-fashioned humans doing evil things. Be prepared for anything and everything. You will never know what to expect with each turn of the page.
History just got a whole lot darker
Available on AMAZON
Kristen Duvall is a writer of tales both real and make believe. Born and raised in the Midwest, she now resides in Southern California with her boyfriend, her Great Dane and a her rescued calico kitty. She's been writing and sharing her work online for several years now, and has decided to take the plunge into publishing her work for the world to read. She dabbles in horror, science fiction, fantasy and speculative fiction. She enjoys both Adult and Young Adult fiction and loves to write strong female characters.
She also owns a small publishing company, Fey Publishing.
Coming Soon
"The Princess and the Piper" (title may change) - A utopian version of The Prince and the Pauper, only with lesbians.
"The Caged Girl" - A romantic tale of a girl, a boy and decapitation. First in a forthcoming sci-fi/dystopian series.
"Here There Be Dragons" - YA or possibly middle-grade story of a girl on a mission to do the impossible.
"The Devil's in the Details" - A horror novella about the devil's right-hand man.
Her nonfiction will be featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Dating Game! and she also has four personal essays featured in Idol Meanderings.
You can find Kristen here:
Kristen Duvall is a writer of tales both real and make believe. Born and raised in the Midwest, she now resides in Southern California with her boyfriend, her Great Dane and a her rescued calico kitty. She's been writing and sharing her work online for several years now, and has decided to take the plunge into publishing her work for the world to read. She dabbles in horror, science fiction, fantasy and speculative fiction. She enjoys both Adult and Young Adult fiction and loves to write strong female characters.
She also owns a small publishing company, Fey Publishing.
Coming Soon
"The Princess and the Piper" (title may change) - A utopian version of The Prince and the Pauper, only with lesbians.
"The Caged Girl" - A romantic tale of a girl, a boy and decapitation. First in a forthcoming sci-fi/dystopian series.
"Here There Be Dragons" - YA or possibly middle-grade story of a girl on a mission to do the impossible.
"The Devil's in the Details" - A horror novella about the devil's right-hand man.
Her nonfiction will be featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Dating Game! and she also has four personal essays featured in Idol Meanderings.
You can find Kristen here:

And you can find Fey Publishing here:
Three Final Questions:
Q 1 - What was your favorite book when you were a child and do you think it influenced what you like to read and write now?
Kristen - As a child, my favorite book was Little Women. And for the most part, my style and storytelling couldn't be more different. However, the one thing that can be said about my writing is that it always features more women than man, and the stories tend to revolve around the lives of the women I write about. So in a way, it has influenced me, just not in an obvious way.
Three Final Questions:
Q 1 - What was your favorite book when you were a child and do you think it influenced what you like to read and write now?
Kristen - As a child, my favorite book was Little Women. And for the most part, my style and storytelling couldn't be more different. However, the one thing that can be said about my writing is that it always features more women than man, and the stories tend to revolve around the lives of the women I write about. So in a way, it has influenced me, just not in an obvious way.
Q 2 - Your recent book, Femmes Du Chaos, is a collection of stories featuring women in a variety of situations and differing outcomes. Do you prefer to read books with strong women who rescue their men or the more traditional fairytale stories where the men are the heroes?
Kristen - Yes, I do. I prefer reading books with strong females leads. I was raised by a mother who insisted on raising me to be independent. My father died when I was 3 years old, leaving my mom a widow as a very young age. She relied on him for everything, and when he was gone... she was helpless and alone. She never wanted her daughters to feel that way, and thus raised me to take care of myself. I prefer reading about women who don't need men to swoop in and save the day because I admire strong women. My mom doesn't realize it, but she was very strong... She learned very quickly how to adapt to a life with just her and her daughters. I admire women like her and I want to see them represented more in fiction, I feel that strong female leads are not as common as I'd like them to be, which is why I write what I do.
Q 3 – If you could have lunch with any author, who would you choose and why?
Kristen - This one is tough for me... It changes every day. Though I might have to say Neil Gaiman right now, but only because I am reading American Gods and just finished Neverwhere, and I am in awe of his flexibility to write such different worlds with such different characters and styles.
Kristen - Yes, I do. I prefer reading books with strong females leads. I was raised by a mother who insisted on raising me to be independent. My father died when I was 3 years old, leaving my mom a widow as a very young age. She relied on him for everything, and when he was gone... she was helpless and alone. She never wanted her daughters to feel that way, and thus raised me to take care of myself. I prefer reading about women who don't need men to swoop in and save the day because I admire strong women. My mom doesn't realize it, but she was very strong... She learned very quickly how to adapt to a life with just her and her daughters. I admire women like her and I want to see them represented more in fiction, I feel that strong female leads are not as common as I'd like them to be, which is why I write what I do.
Q 3 – If you could have lunch with any author, who would you choose and why?
Kristen - This one is tough for me... It changes every day. Though I might have to say Neil Gaiman right now, but only because I am reading American Gods and just finished Neverwhere, and I am in awe of his flexibility to write such different worlds with such different characters and styles.
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