The Rise of Xosha
(Legend of Xosha 0.5)
by S. Cu’Anam Policar
Satalyte Publishing - http://satalyte.com.au/
Cover Art: J.E.Haldeman
Release Date: September 06, 2013
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal
A tale of epic proportions.
The Rise of Xosha tells the tale of Xosha's beginnings.
Where Anjyls are mortal pawns,
Dragons rule the skies,
Wolves and elves roam the forests,
and demons lurk below the surface.
Oceanus, the leader of the last horde of dragons in the realms must find his people a new home.
Going only on the word of the odd colored white dragon, Rose, he leads the horde far from their home, over waters that seem to have no end.
Pyre, Oceanus' younger, rebellious brother must come to terms with the fact that Oceanus will never see him as anything more than a whelp too young to be of any use.
Jade the youngest of the three has her own thoughts and inner demons to contend with.
Then there's Rose, The dragon with an amazing gift no one will acknowledge. The outcast of her people simply because she's the only one of her color.
Will these four ever come to terms with why they had to leave their home?
And what strange new beings will they encounter in their new territory?
Find out when you read The Rise of Xosha; The story that started the legend.
The last horde of dragons. Forced from their home by the human loving Anjyls now seek a new home.
Danger surrounds them on all sides.
Love, Friendship, Deception, all things they must learn to accept in their life.
Will they survive long enough to build the kingdom the prophecies foretold?
Or will they fall prey to the lies they discover within their own ranks?
One to lead...One to see...One to protect...One to Deceive.
The Rise of Xosha; The story that started the legend.
"not all allies are friends, not all friends are true, and some enemies will in turn be your greatest allies."
This book contains mild to moderate violence, the concept of death, insinuated sexual contact... Not Recommended for Readers under the age of 16.
Book Links:
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Amazon (paperback)
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Author Bio:

S.Cu'Anam Policar was born in Brooklyn, NY, but now lives in Washington State. The Mother of three she makes time to write, usually late at night.
An avid reader, she not only writes but helps promote other authors with blog tours and reviews of their books.
She is Pagan but respects all religions and believes everyone should celebrate their similarities and not care about their differences.
When she has the time, she enjoys playing video games, horseback riding, singing, and writing things other than her Legend of Xosha Series.
She absolutely loves to make new friends so don't be afraid to come by and hi on Facebook!
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“They said alliances are needed but to remember that not all who claim to be our allies really are.” Rose replied.
Pyre cut in right after Rose stopped talking. “They also hinted that we have an enemy in the horde.”
Oceanus’ eyes shot open as large and round as discs. “What?!”
Rose shot a glare at Pyre. “Pyre!”
“He needed to know Rose!” Pyre shot back in defense.
“I know he did and I was going to tell him. Just not like this. I wanted to speak more with them on this before bringing it up.” Rose said softly, wondering if her words made any sense to them. From the way they were looking at her, she would guess not.
“I mean. What if they’re wrong? It’s possible you know they’ve been wrong before!” Rose said desperately as Oceanus growled.
Pyre spoke up, voicing Oceanus’ exact thoughts. “They’ve never been wrong Rose. Not once! Maybe you’re the enemy they spoke about.”
“They have been wrong! I only tell you what’s important to the horde! I don’t tell you everything they tell me!” Rose said as her own anger began to build. She was really getting fed up with everyone automatically assuming things concerning her.
Pyre shoved her. His heart cried out as he reverted to his once natural treatment of the dragon he only minutes before had considered his friend. “What have they lied about then Rose?”
Losing the current, she spiraled toward Caprae. She caught a new current right before she would have slammed quite ungracefully into the ground. “They said someone would love me for me! They said I wouldn’t be an outcast once we found Caprae. And for a little while I thought maybe they were right about that too. But they weren’t they were wrong!” She turned and flew off refusing to let the two males see her cry.
“Rose, wait!” Pyre called out trying to fly after her. As her form turned into a spec on the horizon, he stopped with a sigh and hung his head. “I’m sorry…” He muttered as he silently cursed himself for his stupidity.
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